Since December 2024, I am a Senior Principal Engineer at F5 working on WebAssembly.
Since January 2024, I am an at-large member of the Bytecode Alliance Board.
I help maintain the Wasmtime project, along with other Bytecode Alliance sibling projects such as wit-bindgen and wasm-tools.
From April 2023 to January 2025, I served as co-chair of the WebAssembly Community Group's WASI Subgroup.
From May to November 2024, I worked as a consultant for Cubist.
I worked at Fastly from July 2017 to March 2024. I led work on Fastly's Compute product, which runs customer-provided WebAssembly to serve some of the internet's highest traffic services.
I worked at Helium from January 2016 to April 2017. We worked on an Internet of Things development platform. I was not involved in their subsequent pivot to blockchain.
I worked at Galois from 2011-2015. My primary role during that time was leading engineering for the SMACCMPilot project, a high assurance quadcopter flight controller. We published a paper on this project at ICFP 2014. My talk was recorded.
In 2010, I graduated with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ.
Mail: PO Box 17352, Portland OR 97217
Github: pchickey
Bytecode Alliance Zulip: Pat Hickey
Reddit: phickey_w7pch
HN: phickey
I enjoy whitewater kayaking and rafting. I am a member of both of Portland's kayaking clubs: the OKCC and LCCC.